Thursday, May 3, 2007

Goo Gone: Nectar of the Gods?

This lady named Linn came over on Monday and she brought her 3 yr old son Trey with her. While Linn and I were upstairs Trey found some nailpolish and poured it all over our stairs. Our carpeted stairs. Then he smeared some on the wall for good measure. I was sad.

Then I remembered I had bought Goo Gone once upon a time, for no good reason, it just looked sort of intriguing in the store. It said it took paint out of cloth so I dumped Goo Gone liberally on the nailpolished carpet. (In case you're interested it was Blood Red by O.P.I. Not some subtle taupe or something.) The nailpolish came out. I am stoked. All hail Goo Gone!!